How to download Youtube videos in Mp3 or Mp4.
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How to download Youtube videos in Mp3 or Mp4.

Hi, guys today I am going to tell you that how you can download Youtube videos to Mp3 or Mp4.

Step 1) Go to YouTube, Then select your video.
Click to share, after that click to copy the link.

Step 2) Open this website, after that paste the link.
And click to download.

After following this process you can download youtube on your android device.

This process is also working on PC also.

How to download YouTube videos as Mp3.

Step 1) Open youtube on your device. Copy the link.

Step 2) Now, Go to this website- 

 Step 3) Paste the link to that website. And click to download.

After following this process you can download Youtube video to Mp3 format.

Watch this video for Download videos to Mp3 Format.⤵

~~~~Thank you~~~~

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