The Knowledge about C.P.U (Central Processing Unit) of Computer.
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The Knowledge about C.P.U (Central Processing Unit) of Computer.

The C.P.U is called the Central Processing Unit of Computer.

It is also called the brain of the computer.

There are some ports of C.P.U, Let's learn about it.

Fig. Ports of C.P.U

Power supply and Socket - It helps to connect electricity to C.P.U.

PS/2 Ports for keyboard and mouse- In the past, this type of port was used to connect the keyboard and mouse, but this time the USB has come to connect the keyboard and mouse.

Parallel port for old printers-It was used to connect old-time printers, but USB is used in today's printers.

USB Port- It helps to connect Pen drive, In this time we use it to connect Keyboard and Mouse and etc.

Pink, Green, and blue Port-i)Pink port - It is used to connect the Microphone to Computer.

ii) Green port- It is used to connect speakers to the computer.

iii) Blue Port- It is used to connect lines on the computer.

Video Port - It helps to connect the video to your monitor.

Gaming Port- It is used to connect the joystick to the computer for Gaming.

Ethernet Port-It helps to connect WIFI to the computer.

I hope this helps you Thank you.


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